Important Dates
Delta Little League Season - Important Events (see below for more detail on dates, times, locations)
Little League Skills Assessment (Rookie, Minor/Major) - DHS Auxiliary Gym and/or Upstairs Facility (in new addition)
Coaches’ Meetings - 1 at DHS (informational) and 1 immediately prior to start of practices (procedural info). Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Board Members welcome. No players or parents.
Little League Draft - Rookie, Minor, Major coaches, and Board Members ONLY
Jake Stonebraker Memorial Field Cleanup Day - All parents, Coaches, Assistants, Volunteers welcome!
Alternate Field Cleanup Day - in case of inclement weather
Opening Day (all leagues)
Regular Season
League Tournament
District Tournament (for those selected to the District All-Star Teams)
Rookie League Skills Assessment
For all players from Rookie, Minor, and Major leagues. Players will need comfortable indoor athletic clothing, baseball glove, bat, and sneakers. If you don't own a bat, there will be plenty to borrow. Parents of 6 year-olds that have registered for Rookie League will need to have their players present at the appropriate time
Date: Saturday, March 1st
Time: 9am-12pm. This will likely be broken into 2 sessions (9-10:30 and 10:30-noon) and your rookie division player will be assigned only 1 session to attend
Location: Upstairs Fitness Center (above weight room). Check-in will be in the entrance to the new addition.
Please plan on having your child attend his or her appropriate session of the skills assessment.
Player Agent and other evaluators will make the determination whether player's skill level is appropriate for the desired league. Decisions made by the player agent and evaluators are final.
Appropriate equipment includes glove, helmet, bat, appropriate athletic clothing, and gym shoes
The following will be evaluated: running/speed, catching, throwing, hitting, behavior, and ability to follow directions/pay attention
Major/Minor League Skills Assessment
For all players registered for Minor and Major leagues. Players will need comfortable indoor athletic clothing, baseball glove, bat, and sneakers. If you don't own a bat or helmet, there will be plenty to borrow.
Date: Saturday, March 1st
Time: 1pm-4pm
Location: Delta High School Auxiliary Gymnasium (entrance 5) OR upstairs indoor facility (above weight room)
Please plan on having your child attend his or her age-appropriate session of the skills assessment.
Player Agent and other evaluators will make the determination whether player's skill level is appropriate for the desired league. Decisions made by the player agent and evaluators are final.
Appropriate equipment includes glove, helmet, bat, appropriate athletic clothing, and gym shoes
The following will be evaluated: running/speed, catching, throwing, hitting, pitching, behavior, and ability to follow directions/pay attention
Coaches' Meeting
This year we will have 2 mandatory coaches meetings
1st meeting: We will go over coaching expectations, required apps/communication with league officials and parents, season plans and expectations for practice, important rules information for each league, and expectations for player evaluation and the draft.
Date: Wednesday, 2/26/25
Time: 6pm, more information about your specific arrival time (based on your division) will be sent out prior to the meeting
Location: Delta High School - room 130 (lecture room with stadium-seating located between the auditorium and cafeteria). Enter through Door 5 (with concession stand). Walk to the left of the concession stand window, take a left and walk through the curved trophy/picture display hall. Walk through doorway at far end. Room 130 will be the first room on your left.
2nd meeting: On-site meeting (meet at your field) to go over codes for all necessary locked buildings, practice basics, field preparation for game day, scoring booth access and scoreboard operation, closing procedures (raking/tarps/locking), and clean-up after practice
Date: Monday, 3/10/25
Time: 6pm
Location: Delta Little League fields. Rookie Coaches report to Rookie Diamond, Major/Minor Coaches report to Major/Minor Diamond. Tee-Ball coaches will report to Rookie Diamond
Both meetings are important. If you have notified us that you are interested in coaching, plan on attending both coaches' meetings. All coaches (tee-ball, rookie, minor, and major leagues) should plan on attending
Little League Draft
Rookie League
Date: Tuesday, March 4th
Time: 6pm
Location: ResolveTech
Major/Minor League
Date: Thursday, March 6th
Time: 6pm
Location: ResolveTech
All head coaches are expected to attend the approprite Little League draft. If you cannot attend, you should have a trusted alternate (assistant coach, etc) attend in your place. If you have notified us about your willingness to coach, you will receive more specific information about location and times closer to the event. Parents and players do not attend the little league draft. Parents of kids in the league should expect to receive communication no later than the day after the draft
Jake Stonebraker Memorial Field Cleanup Day
Date: Saturday, 3/29/25
Time: 9:00am
Location: Park in the parking lot adjacent to the Rookie Field outfield fence. Walk to Rookie Concession stand where Board Member cars/trucks will be parked. Task lists and assignments will be distributed at that time.
Starting with the 2024 season, we dedicated this day to a beloved coach and volunteer who unexpectedly passed away in 2023. Not only was Jake a fun and caring tee-ball coach, he came with a plan and equipment ready to work hard at each and every field cleanup day. Jake did this because he loved making a difference and helping our youth baseball players. He would often ask to complete follow-up projects on his own time - just to help out the league. By naming Field Cleanup after him, we hope Jake's spirit is never forgotten.
After being covered in snow all winter, the fields need some TLC before opening day. If you are a coach or volunteer, handy in the yard, or are interested in helping make our fields beautiful (and safe) for our kids to enjoy - please plan on reaching out to to let us know that you're willing to help! These fields won't clean takes lots of time and effort (all by volunteers).
Alternate Field Cleanup Day: TBA - in case of rainout.
Late-March/Early-April: Practices begin after the draft!
Opening Day: Saturday, April 12th, Tee-Ball will likely start later since the season is shorter
Picture Day
Regular Season: Opening day to early-June (depending on rain-outs, make-up games)
Early/Mid-June: Single-elimination tournament (Rookie, Minor, Major league divisions)
Mid-June through early July: District tournament ("All-Star") team practices and tournaments. Selection process for All-Stars begins mid-season